Robotics and Computer Vision Lab


List of Articles
125. COP : a new corner detector
Suncheol Bae, In So Kweon, Yoo Choong-Don
Pattern Recognition Letters 2002 / 09
124. Collaborative Place and Object Recognition using Bidirectional Context Information
Sungho Kim, In So Kweon
제1회 한국지능로봇 하계 종합 학술대회 2006 / 06
123. Statistical Background Subtraction Based on the Exact Per-pixel Distributions
Youngbae Hwang, Hanbyul Joo, Jun-sik Kim, In So Kweon
IAPR workshop on Machine Vision Applications (MVA) 2007 / 05
122. 카메라 보정에 사용되는 기하제한조건에 대한 통합프레임워크 (A Unified Framework of Geometric Constraints on Camera Calibration)
Jun-sik Kim, In So Kweon
18th Workshop on Image Processing and Image Understanding(IPIU) 2006 / 02
121. Image-based visual servoing using position and angle of image features
Jaeseung Cho, In So Kweon
Electronics Letters 2001 / 07
120. Color indexing using chromatic invariant
Jiyeun Kim, Changyeong Kim, Seo Yang-Seck, In So Kweon
Pattern Recognition 2001 / 06
119. Stereo Matching with the Distinctive Similarity Measure
Kukjin Yoon, In So Kweon
IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV) 2007 / 10
118. Separating Reflection Components using a Single Color Image
Kukjin Yoon, In So Kweon
18th Workshop on Image Processing and Image Understanding(IPIU) 2006 / 02
117. Motion Estimation using Centers of Non-Overlapping Cameras
Hyeongwoo Kim, Jun-sik Kim, In So Kweon
Proceedings of the 13th Japan-Korea Joint Workshop on Frontiers of Computer Vision (FCV) 2007 / 01
116. Simultaneous Place and Multiple Object Recognition using Particle-based Belief Propagation in Hierarchical Graphical Model
Sungho Kim, In So Kweon
19th Workshop on Image Processing and Image Understanding (IPIU) 2006 / 02
115. An edge-based algorithm for discontinuity adaptive color Image smoothing
Dongjoong Kang, In So Kweon
Pattern Recognition 2001 / 02
114. Visual Categorization Robust to Large Intra-Class Variations using Entropy-guided Codebook
Sungho Kim, In So Kweon
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) 2007 / 04
113. 3-D structure recovery and calibration under varying intrinsic parameters using known angles
Jongeun Ha, In So Kweon
Pattern Recognition 2001 / 02
112. Sensor noise modeling using the Skellam distribution: Application to the color edge detection
Youngbae Hwang, Jun-sik Kim, In So Kweon
IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) 2007 / 06
111. Robust and direct estimation of 3-D motion and scene depth from stereo image sequences
Seongkee Park, In So Kweon
Pattern Recognition 2001 / 07
110. 상향식/하향식 정보를 결합한 효과적인 3D 자동물체인식 시스템
Wangheon Lee, Sungho Kim, 김인철, In So Kweon
한국군사과학기술학회 2004년 종합학술대회 2004 / 08
109. 3D object recognition using a new invariant relationship by single view
Kyoungsig Roh, In So Kweon
Pattern Recognition 2000 / 01
108. Modeling and target classification using multiple reflections of sonar
Wangheon Lee, Kukjin Yoon, In So Kweon
정보및 제어 학술대회 (CICS) 2003 / 11
107. Accurate Motion Estimation and High-Precision 3D Reconstruction by Sensor Fusion
Yunsu Bok, Youngbae Hwang, In So Kweon
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) 2007 / 04
106. Hybrid hierarchiecal motion estimation under illumination variations
Youngsu Moon, In So Kweon
Electonics Letters 2000 / 03
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