Robotics and Computer Vision Lab


List of Articles
46. Self-calibration using the linear projective reconstruction
Jongeun Ha, Jinyoung Yang, In So Kweon
IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) 2000 / 11
45. Bayesian Shot Detection using Structural Weighting
Seunghoon Han, In So Kweon
International Workshop on Machine Vision Applications (MVA) 2000 / 11
44. A novel image-based control-law for the visual servoing system
Jaeseung Cho, Howon Kim, In So Kweon
IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS) 2000 / 10
43. Robust Real-time Face Tracking Using Adaptive Color Model
Gijeong Jang, In So Kweon
International Symposium on Mechatronics and Intelligent Mechanical System for 21 Century (ISIM) 2000 / 10
42. Self-calibration algorithm under varying cameras using the linear
Jongeun Ha, In So Kweon
Asian Conference on Computer Vision (ACCV) 2000 / 01
41. Stereo Matching with Symmetric Cost Functions
Kukjin Yoon, In So Kweon
Proceeding of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) 2006 / 06
40. Correspondence Search in the Presence of Specular Highlights Using Specular-Free Two-Band Images
Kukjin Yoon, In So Kweon
Asian Conference on Computer Vision (ACCV) 2006 / 01
39. Infinite Homography Estimation Using Two Arbitrary Planar Rectangles
Jun-sik Kim, In So Kweon
Asian Conference on Computer Vision (ACCV) 2006 / 01
38. Scene Interpretation: Unified Modeling of Visual Context by Particle-based Belief Propagation in Hierarchical Graphical Model
Sungho Kim, In So Kweon
Asian Conference on Computer Vision (ACCV) 2006 / 01
37. Scalable Representation and Learning for 3D Object Recognition using Shared Feature-based View Clustering
Sungho Kim, In So Kweon
Asian Conference on Computer Vision(ACCV) 2006 / 01
36. Biologically Motivated Perceptual Feature: Generalized Robust Invariant Feature
Sungho Kim, In So Kweon
Asian Conference on Computer Vision(ACCV) 2006 / 01
35. Model-based Video Interpretation using Static and Temporal Context
Sungho Kim, In So Kweon
The 12th Korea-Japan Joint Workshop on Frontiers of Computer Vision (FCV) 2006 / 02
34. Hierarchical Context-based 3D Object Recognition for Scene Interpretation
Sungho Kim, Zhe Lin, In So Kweon
The 4th KAIST- Tsinghua Joint Workshop on Pattern Recognition 2005 / 09
33. Hierarchical Visual Context-based Object Recognition
Sungho Kim, Zhe Lin, In So Kweon
1st International Joint Workshop of KAIST-RCV and U.Tokyo- Ikeuchi Lab. on Robust Vision Technology 2005 / 04
32. 2-D curved shape recognition using a local curve descriptor and projective refinement
Kyoungsig Roh, In So Kweon
IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems 1998 / 05
31. Visual Context-based Scene Interpretation in Indoor Environment
Sungho Kim, In So Kweon
The 2nd International Conference on Ubiquitous Robots and Ambient Intelligence (URAI) 2005 / 11
30. Illuminant direction and shape of a bump
Changyeong Kim, A.P.Petrov, Choh Heui-Keun, Seo Yang-Seock, In So Kweon
Journal of the Optical Society of America - A - Optics Image Science and Vision 1998 / 01
29. Automatic 3D Urban Modeling From Satellite Image
Kil-Ho Son, Jihwan Woo, In So Kweon
The 13th International Conference on Advanced Robotics 2007 / 08
28. Single camera catadioptric stereo system
Gijeong Jang, Sungho Kim, In So Kweon
The 6th Workshop on Omnidirectional Vision, Camera Networks and Non-classical cameras (OMNIVIS2005) 2005 / 10
27. Robust Direct Motion Estimation Considering Discontinuity
Jongeun Ha, In So Kweon
Asian Conference on Computer Vision (ACCV) 2000 / 01
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