Robotics and Computer Vision Lab


List of Articles
100. A self-localization algorithm for a mobile robot using perspective invariant
Kyoungsig Roh, S. Kim, Wangheon Lee, In So Kweon
International Workshop on Advanced Mechatronics 1995 / 12
99. Active vision algorithms using projective invariants
Dongsu Kim, Kyoungsig Roh, In So Kweon
Annual Conference of Robotics Society in Japan 1994 / 11
98. A new 2-D object recognition algorithm using geometric invariance
Kyoungsig Roh, In So Kweon
International Symposium on Advances in Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems 1994 / 11
97. Model based color halftoning techniques on perceptually uniform color spaces
C. Kim, S. Kim, Y. Seo, In So Kweon
IST&T/SPIE International Conference on Digital Video Compression and Processing on Personal Computers: Algorithms and Technologies 1994 / 01
96. A behavior-based intelligent robot in dynamic indoor environments
In So Kweon, M. Watanabe, K. Onoguchi, Y. Kuno
IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) 1992 / 05
95. behavior-based mobile robot using active sensor fusion
In So Kweon, M. Watanabe, K. Onoguchi, Y. Kuno
IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS) 1992 / 07
94. A three-layered system architecture for behavior-based mobile robots
M. Watanabe, K. Onoguchi, In So Kweon, Y. Kuno
IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) 1992 / 05
93. Vision-based behaviors for indoor mobile robots
In So Kweon, K. Onoguchi, M. Watanabe, Y. Kuno
Information Processing Society of Japan Workshop on Computer Vision 1992 / 01
92. Vehicle control using target tracking
K. Onoguchi, M. Watanabe, In So Kweon, Y. Kuno
Information Processing Society of Japan Workshop on Computer Vision 1991 / 07
91. Extracting topographic terrain features for outdoor mobile robots
In So Kweon, T. Kanade
IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) 1991 / 04
90. Behavior-based mobile robot using multiple sensors
In So Kweon, M. Watanabe, K. Onoguchi, Y. Kuno
The 1st Korea-Japan Joint Conference on Computer Vision 1991 / 10
89. High resolution terrain map from multiple sensor data
In So Kweon, T. Kanade
IEEE International Workshop on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS) 1990 / 07
88. A mobile robot for lunar surface operations
Bares, In So Kweon, D. Wettegreen, W. Whittaker
NASA Conference on Space Telerobotics 1990 / 03
87. Methods for identifying footfall positions for a legged robot
Caillas, In So Kweon, E. Krotkov, M. Hebert
IEEE International Workshop on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS) 1989 / 09
86. Terrain mapping for a roving planetary explorer
M. Hebert, E. Krotkov, In So Kweon, T. Kanade
IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) 1989 / 05
85. First results in terrain mapping for a roving planetary explorer
E. Krotkov, M. Hebert, In So Kweon, T.Kanade
NASA Conference on Space Telerobotics 1989 / 01
84. Sensor fusion of range and reflectance data for outdoor scene analysis
In So Kweon, M. Hebert, T. Kanade
NASA Workshop on Space Operations, Automation, and Robotics 1988 / 07
83. Perception for rugged terrain
In So Kweon, M. Hebert, T. Kanade
SPIE International Symposium on Intelligent Robots and Computer Vision 1988 / 11
82. CMU sidewalk navigation system: A blackboard-based outdoor navigation system using sensor fusion with colored-range images
Y. Goto, K. Matsuzaki, In So Kweon, T. Obatake
Fall Joint Computer Conference (FJCC) 1986 / 11
81. Automatic Method for Closed Eye Correction
Jean-Charles Bazin, D.Q. Pham, In So Kweon, Kukjin Yoon
ICIP'09 2009 / 11
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